01908 562641

3 Bridge Road, Cosgrove
Northants MK19 7JH



What is pupil premium?

Schools receive special funding to invest in support for more disadvantaged pupils, so that all children have the best chance possible of reaching their academic potential.  Introduced in 2011, pupil premium funding is based on the number of pupils in a school who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as 'Ever 6 FSM').  Schools also receive funding for some other children, for instance looked after children or children of service personnel.  The criteria are not necessarily the same every year.

Like other schools, Cosgrove Primary publishes the amount of funding it has received, details of how it has spent that funding, and reports what difference it has made.  Below is the strategy information for the current academic year.

Pupil premium grant objectives:

  • To ensure pupils eligible for pupil premium make expected progress or better.
  • To enhance self esteem in pupils in order to impact on progress and attainment.

The fund will be used as follows:

  • Children working significantly below the age related expectation and require intervention/additional support to narrow the gap
  • Mixed age classes – ensuring quality-first teaching for all, well differentiated and supported for the different groups
  • SEMH needs of children – issues include low self-esteem, attachment, anxiety, some of these are exhibited in children’s behaviour in school. Poor attendance of PP children
  • Wider opportunities of children from lower income families